Hey there! You can call me Mr. Squirrely, but James works too.

This is a brand new chapter for me. I’m on a mission to level up and become the best version of myself.  Let’s face it, I haven’t exactly been living life on easy mode lately.  A recent health scare (thanks, Covid!) was a real wake-up call.  Everything turned out okay, but it definitely made me rethink my priorities.


First things first: Health!  I gotta admit, I haven’t been treating my body as well as I should.  So, it’s time for a healthy living quest!  Once I get my finances in order, the gym will be my daily hangout.  Healthy eating is also on the menu, because my body deserves to be a well-oiled machine.


Now, let’s talk work.  This is where things get a bit tricky.  My dream is to create awesome games, programs, and all-around fun!  The problem?  My full-time job seems to have a superpower: sucking the enthusiasm right out of me.  Ugh.


But fear not! I’m focusing on a few key projects to keep the creative fire burning.  First up: my very own short URL –  https://sqrl.lt/.  Cool, right?  Plus, I’m diving headfirst into game development, starting with any game that gets me going.  VR and RPGs are definitely on the long-term wishlist!


Speaking of quests, I’m also going to be blogging up a storm on this website.  Expect a mix of random thoughts, helpful tutorials, and maybe even some industry news as I go along.  There’s even a special post category brewing for my deepest musings.


This is just the beginning of an epic adventure!  Let’s see where this journey takes us.  Are you ready to join me?

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